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الاثنين، ٠٤ كانون الأول



Workplace Wellness Champion Workshop

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Workplace Wellness Champion Workshop
Workplace Wellness Champion Workshop

الوقت والموقع

٠٤ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٣، ٩:٠٠ ص – ٣:٠٠ م

Amman, Black Iris Street، Amman, Jordan

نبذة عن الحدث

About the event 

"In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, prioritizing employee well-being isn't merely a choice; it's an imperative. Wellness advocates assume a crucial role in cultivating a workplace that nurtures physical, mental, and emotional health. 'Unlocking the Inner Wellness Champion' is an engaging, interactive workshop meticulously crafted to empower individuals within your organization to embrace the mantle of wellness champions. This program will give them the knowledge, competencies, and motivation required to spearhead wellness initiatives, ignite inspiration among their peers, and contribute to a healthier, happier workplace.

Workshop Goals:

  • Recognizing Wellness Champions: Aiding participants in identifying the attributes and qualities of an effective wellness advocate.
  • Deepening Knowledge: Providing an extensive understanding of the significance of employee wellness, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Skill Enhancement: Equipping attendees with practical tools and tactics to promote wellness in the workplace, encompassing communication, motivation, and problem-solving proficiencies.
  • Empowering Leadership: Encouraging individuals to embrace leadership roles in wellness endeavors, whether in formal or informal capacities.
  • Fostering Inspiration and Engagement: Motivating participants to inspire and engage their colleagues in wellness activities while fostering a supportive wellness culture.

For more comprehensive details, please contact Us

Expected Outcomes:

  • Wellness Advocates: Workshop attendees will exit with a clear comprehension of their roles as wellness champions and a commitment to advancing wellness within the organization.
  • Heightened Engagement: The workshop will lead to increased employee involvement in wellness programs, resulting in enhanced overall well-being and morale.
  • Positive Impact: Wellness champions will contribute to reduced healthcare costs, decreased sick days, and amplified productivity.
  • Supportive Culture: The organization will gain a more nurturing and compassionate workplace culture, increasing retention rates and a favorable employer reputation.
  • Measurable Results: Over time, the influence of wellness champions will be quantifiable through improved health metrics and employee contentment surveys.

'Unlocking the Inner Wellness Champion' isn't just a workshop; it's an investment in creating a healthier and more prosperous organization. By empowering individuals to embrace the role of wellness champions, your company can institute enduring positive change and enjoy the rewards of a thriving workplace."

By Mawaheb Homsi

Master Wellness Coach

Corporate Wellness Consultant


  • Wellness Champion

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